Program Topic: Sources
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08.15 | Opening Remarks |
08.30 |
Opening Talk: Filippo Bencivenga, Sincrotrone Trieste FERMI@Elettra, Italy |
09.00 | Perspective Talk: Liming Chen, School of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai «New progress of X/γ ray emission from laser wakefield electron accelerator» |
09.30 | Short Break |
Session 1 - Chair Liu |
09.45 | Invited Lecture: Jiansheng Liu, Department of Physics, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai «Laser Plasma Acceleration and Radiation» |
10.15 | Tae Moon Jeong, Institute of Physics of the ASCR, ELI-Beamlines,Prague «Ultra-strong attosecond laser focus produced by a relativistic-flying parabolic mirror» |
10.35 | Thong Huy Chau, Optical Sciences Centre, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne «Four-wave mixing with multi-color laser in extreme ultraviolet region» |
10.55 | A.S.Pirozhkov, Kansai Photon Science Institute, QST, Kizugawa, Kyoto, Japan «X-ray generation at intensities approaching 1022 W/cm2» |
11.15 | Short Break |
Session 2 - Chair Nejdl |
11.30 | Invited Lecture: Jaroslav Nejdl, ELI Beamlines, Institute of Physics CAS, Prague «An update on laser driven X-ray sources at ELI Beamlines» |
12.00 | Eduardo Oliva, Instituto de Fusión Nuclear “Guillermo Velarde”, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain «2D – 3D multiscale modelling of inhomogeneous plasma amplifiers» |
12.20 | Huaiyu Cui, National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Tunable Laser, Harbin Institute of Technology «Intensity Enhancing of 46.9nm Soft X-ray laser pumped by capillary discharge at Harbin Institute of Technology » |
12.40 | Filippo Campi, Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography, Amsterdam «Efficient extreme-ultraviolet multi-band high-order wave mixing in silica» |
13.00 | Break / Poster Session |
14.00 | Session 3 - Chair Wörner |
Invited Lecture: Hans Jakob Wörner, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, ETH Zurich, Switzerland«Attosecond soft-X-ray spectroscopy in the gas and liquid phases» | |
14.30 | Olivier Guilbaud, Laboratoire Irène Joliot-Curie, Université Paris-Saclay, France «Solid target seeded soft x-ray laser for short pulses and orbital angular momentum beams amplification» |
14.50 | A. K. Pandey,Laboratoire Irène Joliot-Curie, Université Paris-Saclay, France «Extreme ultraviolet vortex, and vector-vortex beams» |
15.10 |
Technology Focus talks - Chair Andreas Borgschulte (Empa) |
16.10 | Short Break |
Session 4 - Chair Kocharovskaya |
16.30 | Invited Lecture: Olga Kocharovskaya, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University, Texas «Temporal and Spectral Control of the X-ray Pulses in a Resonant Medium with a Modulated Transition Frequency» |
17.00 | Sergey Stremoukhov, Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow |
17.20 | Ilias Khairulin, Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia «Amplification of elliptically or circularly polarized sub-femtosecond XUV pulses in optically dressed neon-like plasma-based X-ray laser» |
17.40 | Vladimir Antonov, Institute of Applied Physics of the RussianAcademy of Sciences, Russia «Mutual amplification of high-order harmonics for increasing efficiency of sub-femtosecond pulse train amplification in optically dressed plasma-based X-ray laser» |
18.00 | Short Break |
18.15 | Invited Lecture: Mikako Makita,HED instrument, European XFEL, Germany «Scientific opportunities at the HED beamline, European XFEL» |
18.45 | Perspective talk: Paul Corkum, Joint Attosecond Science Lab, University of Ottawa and National Research Council of Canada «Attosecond Science» |
19.15 | Closing Remarks |